Disponibile all’acquisto, sia cartaceo che in formato ebook, Evil’s Fire la versione in lingua inglese del dark-romance L’Origine del Male di Samantha Garbero edito da YoucanPrint.


After the heinous murder of his grandfather, Don Patricio, Don Juan Cortez decides it’s time to have a family. As a well-known Cuban treasure seeker perpetually traveling to unexplored places, he doesn’t want to waste too much energy on the fairer sex. His exclusive aims are to have an heir with a noblewoman and to enrich his heritage. So he starts to have a regular correspondence with Lady Mary Hallen and, after a few months, he proposes to her to marry him. However, since Mary’s arrival in Havana, Juan’s existence is completely turned upside down. Despite his intention not to bond emotionally, he can’t resist the young woman’s charm and rebellious nature. Madly in love, he doesn’t realize his wife’s dark side immediately; nothing is really as it seems. In fact, the man ignores the existence of evil and of its several facets, until he knows the oldest of them: the original one.


Samantha Garbero, classe 1989, ha iniziato a scrivere per gioco all’età di dodici anni. Dopo i buoni riscontri ottenuti su una piattaforma digitale e aver partecipato a corsi professionali di scrittura, ha deciso di lanciarsi nella realtà editoriale. Evil’s Fire è la traduzione realizzata da Nick Paccino e Annie Ogliastro del romanzo italiano L’origine del male pubblicato nel marzo 2022.

TITOLO: Evil’s Fire (English Version)

EDITO: Youcanprint


PREZZO: €1,99 E-book €13,00 Cartaceo

PUBBLICAZIONE: 28 marzo 2023

ISBN: 9791221467833

GENERE: Romantico/Paranormale

DISPONIBILITÀ EBOOK E CARTACEO: Negli store italiani e nelle librerie (Mondadori, La Feltrinelli, IBS, Amazon, Youcanprint, Kobo, Webster ecc.)

Nelle librerie in Canada, United Kingdom, Asia ed Europa (Aphroed, BlackWell, DeaMediagroup Spa, Mallorca International, Indigo, ecc.)

Contatti autoriali:

Instagram: samsevil_autrice

Facebook e YouTube: Samantha Autrice

Edit video : Annie Ogliastro

Voice: Giulia Quercioli

Leggi anche: L’origine del male – il romanzo esordio di Samantha Garbero